Ever notice how your favourite sport code thrives on likeminded individuals working together towards shared goals?
Well, peer support is a great deal like that – a team effort where those who’ve walked the same path are there to assist.
Why it matters. None of us readily accept advice from someone who hasn’t walked in our shoes. It’s the same with persons with disabilities. The most insightful discussions about the challenges faced by those with disabilities come from those living it daily.
How WCAPD makes a difference. At WCAPD, we train interested persons with disabilities as Peer Supporters. These incredible individuals become champions in various aspects of disability, prevention, and health promotion.
Their mission? To provide support to others in their communities facing similar challenges. Our project aligns with the principles of community-based rehabilitation – a collaboration where organisations join forces with people with disabilities to provide meaningful services. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
If you, or someone you know, can benefit from the power of peer support, reach out to us today. Together let’s build a community where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.
Contact us for support and information: 021 555 2881 / director@wcapd.org.za