Our Projects and Programmes

Childcare and Education

We provide holistic, person-centred services aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of children with disabilities.  Our approach focuses on their strengths, needs, and aspirations, considering their unique abilities and challenges.  Tailored interventions promote autonomy, self-determination, and overall well-being, emphasising collaboration among professionals, families, and the child for successful outcomes.

Our childcare and education interventions include:

Inclusive Education

We uphold the values and principles of inclusive education by assisting children with disabilities and their parents in accessing this fundamental right.  Our goal is for children with disabilities to receive the necessary support to learn and progress alongside their peers in local ECD centres and regular schools, fostering an inclusive society.

We promote access to education through lobbying, advocacy, parental empowerment, and collaboration with key stakeholders to make inclusive education a reality for as many children with disabilities as possible.

Special Care Centres

APD Special Care Centres are non-residential facilities for children with physical and intellectual disabilities, providing educational development, physical training, stimulation, and care. These centres aim to ensure dignified and self-reliant lives for each child, recognising their uniqueness and fostering skills development in a supportive environment.

Additionally, caregivers are empowered through education, training, and support, encouraging active participation in disability advocacy.  These centres are guided by the CSPID team in programme planning, implementation, monitoring, therapeutic intervention, and employee support.