Our Projects and Programmes

Adult Care

WCAPD and registered APD branches have experienced a concerning increase in the demand for quality care for adults with disabilities across communities in the Western Cape.  While service delivery and intervention within WCAPD and registered APD branches have evolved under the Family Preservation Framework, branches face challenges in providing fully accessible and inclusive services to vulnerable individuals with disabilities in their local communities due to limited community capacity, resources, participation, and drive.

With ongoing support from WCAPD, branches have established various adult care resources within their communities, striving for inclusion for all persons with disabilities.

Our adult care interventions include:

Adult Daycare Centres

Adult daycare centres are non-residential facilities that cater for individuals with severe and profound disabilities, offering educational and physical development, training, stimulation, and care. These centres play a crucial role as respite services for families caring for individuals with severe disabilities within local communities.

The centres aim to ensure that individuals with severe and profound disabilities lead meaningful and productive lives, fostering dignity, self-reliance, and active community participation.

Each individual is treated uniquely, with optimal opportunities provided for their development under responsible guidance within a supportive and safe environment.

Residential Facilities

Robertson House

Located in Sanddrift, Milnerton, Robertson House is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) offering a welcoming home for individuals over 18 years of age with permanent spinal cord injuries, primarily those with quadriplegia who rely on wheelchairs for mobility.  These injuries often stem from diving accidents, road incidents, motor vehicle accidents, rugby injuries, and violence-related incidents.

Wallace Anderson Home

Situated in Riversdale, Wallace Anderson Home operates independently without government funding.  Its five residents, all with permanent spinal cord injuries, actively participate in managing the home.  Noteworthy initiatives include Wallace Anderson computer Designs, an onsite business run by residents with external assistance, and a plant sales collaboration with a local nursery to supplement funds.

Goukam Health

A government-subsidised facility also in Riversdale, Goukam Health provides respite and rehabilitation for individuals whose families cannot provide constant care.  Their services include three beds for respite residents receiving care for three weeks and six beds for residential care, all supported by community backing.